It all begins with an idea.

This book has been created to shed some light on those silent givers, those who support and help to forge a better community in our beautiful county. These people and organisations represent Norfolk at its best.

I have been so moved by these people and have been lucky enough to participate in some of their wonderful fundraising events and felt that they need more recognition for the unrelenting work that they do. There are a few charities which initially inspired me to get off my backside and do something: BUILD, Gt Yarmouth and Gorleston Young Carers, Nelson’s Journey and Special Olympics; you can find out more about them in the pages of this book. They are all in their own way very special; the people that work for them, volunteer with them and the people that benefit from them existing. It is hard to believe just how many charitable organisations we need to keep our community strong and supported and although there are nearly 100 mentioned in this book, there are many more out there – over 1,300 in Norfolk alone. 

So why did I choose the Norfolk Community Foundation as the lead for the book? The Foundation works with charities across Norfolk to help them achieve their mission. They take away the road blocks by providing: funding, leadership, unlocking pro bono professional advice, linking them with others trying to achieve the same and act as a critical friend and support. On top of all of that, it is a really well run organisation, which has very low overheads making sure money goes where is needed most. My family have been members of the ‘Norfolk 100’ for several years now, it’s a way of donating on a regular basis to the Foundation and feeling confident that the money we give gets to the people that need it and in a very effective way.

Of course the pandemic hit the charity sector hard, more cases of domestic abuse, a rise in mental health cases, no way for lonely or elderly people to meet face to face, a shortage of PPE, more strain on food banks and much much more. So the Norfolk Community Foundation pulled up it’s already high boot straps, campaigned and fundraised locally and nationally to raise and distribute more money and support to charities delivering help on the frontline. 

During the preparation for this book I have been lucky enough to speak to many of the organisations featuring in it and learn about the intense activity that has gone on these past many months, to ensure that their groups run as normally as possible, still giving support to those that need it. This has been the best part of the project, actually speaking to people who are working in these organisations and hearing about the great work that they do and the challenges they face on a daily basis. If you ever need a boost, speak to someone who works supporting others and I guarantee you you’ll feel much better afterwards.

Thank you for purchasing this book, in doing so you are supporting the Norfolk charities mentioned in it as 100% of sales go directly to the Norfolk Community Foundation and on to the organisations they support. I hope this books makes you smile, feel better or simply stirs an emotion inside you.


Kevin Keable, Editor